Co-Op Experience • 5 minute read

Visier Co-Op


Studio (4 mo) • Solutions (4 mo)


UX Designer Co-Op


May - Dec 2022 (8 months)


Figma, Jira

Due to NDA, I can only provide a short overview of my experience and the projects that I worked on.

Before we start...

What is Visier?

Visier is a Vancouver-based startup that provides people analytics solutions for businesses. It uses data to help companies make informed decisions related to talent acquisition, development, and retention by bringing together data from various sources and provides actionable insights through easy-to-use dashboards and reports. Visier's goal is to help organizations optimize their workforce and drive business success through data-driven decisions.

8 months of fun memories & amazing learning opportunities 💙

What I learned during my time here

Design skills

Information architecture

Restructured and streamlined the IA for Visier’s backend platform, Studio.

Adopting A.I. into design

Integrated the newly acquired company’s ( ML features into Visier’s existing platform.

Designing for data at scale

Designed multiple interfaces that deal with large volume of complex data efficiently.

Data visualization

Spearheaded a discovery project to visualize 10+ new data types in a simple way.

Soft skills

Teamwork & collaboration

Responsible for managing & delivering my tickets from by collaborating with stakeholders.

Public speaking

Biweekly design standup which I presented my work for feedback etc.

Project highlight 💙

Revamping Studio’s Mappings page to better fit the CX team’s requirements and user flow.


Despite having a Mapping page on Studio (new platform), Visier’s CX team prefers to use the old DLD (Legacy) platform to execute Mapping features.


Because in DLD (Legacy), it’s quicker to do Mappings for different objects.


We want to close the gap by redesigning Studio’s Mapping page.

Design Process

Understanding the pain points

By talking to stakeholders and understanding the uses of the features, we listed out the pain points.

UX Comparison

By comparing Studio vs DLD and crosschecking it with the pain points that on the list, we have a clear vision of the new design.

You’ve reached the end. Thank you for reading!